Thursday, August 14, 2008


We finally made it down to Tennessee this past Saturday. We've got mostly everything set up, but there are still a few odds and ends that need to be addressed. I knew that we'd end up buying quite a bit of new stuff, once we moved down here, but I never realized how much we'd get. We got curtains for almost all of the windows, rugs for the downstairs floor (it's all tile), blinds for the 1/2 bath, stair gates, shower curtains, bathroom rugs, etc. Don't get me wrong: I'm not complaining that we accumulated so many new items, but stuff does tend to take a toll on one's budget after a period of time. We were fortunate enough, though, to have Jeff's parents help us buy a few of said items. I can say, though, that it's finally starting to look, and feel, like home. Sure, the apartment in Muncie was home for 2 years, but I never really felt like it. We've been down here since Saturday and we're already getting a few "Hey, Yoders!" as we drive by on our way out of the Village. It's a wonderful feeling. Sarah, Waylon: you two have been great to us the past few months. We're really going to miss you guys (especially once HP6 comes out :P ), but we promise to keep in touch.

I hope everyone's having a fantastic day!

1 comment:

hmills96 said...

I know what you mean about constantly buying new things! I shared so much at the Beechwood house that when we moved we pretty much bought out all of Target. It seems to be slowing down now, luckily I'll have a wedding shower in a few weeks to help fill in the gaps.