Sometimes I wonder why I choose the music I prefer to listen to. The most listened to genre in my music arsenal is most definitely alternative/metal. What in the world ever influenced me to listen to these types of music? It all starts with my dad. My dad's been a classic rock fan since high school (so I've been told). From there, he started listening to bands like Metallica a little more casually in the car or at home. I think that's where it started for me, too. One of my first CDs was Metallica's "Load". After that, I started listening to X103 (which is Indy's premiere alternative radio station). I had a couple of friends who were into Bush and some of those guys, but I was always hypnotized by the harder rock gurus. In high school, I was pretty much the only one of my friends that listened to alternative/metal bands. Some of my guy friends listened to the same stuff, but my girl friends listened to easier rock (which I have no problem with...yeah Coldplay!). Still...I couldn't shake the alternative riffs out of my body. In college, my love of Christian alternative expounded into a fairly solid collection of CDs. I think Jonathan and Katie Jenkins were the start of that (thanks a million!). ease your wonderings as to why there are definitions of the word "raw" at the top, continue reading :). I truly and honestly believe that the real reason I listen to so much alt/metal is because it is, by the definitions at the top, raw. It conveys such a sense of earthiness that I just can't help but dig into it. At the same time, alt/metal music also has a freshly finished quality to it. There's always a new way to rearrange the chords of one song to make it sound completely different, yet there's no other song that sounds like it.
Raw, yet refined. That's what I yearn to become. I already know that I am someone who wears her heart on her sleeve and speaks her mind without thinking (this happens a bit too often sometimes), but I am also someone who wants to become more practiced in areas of compassion and patience, truth and love. In order to do so, I need to dig into the rawness of Jesus. Oh yes...Jesus was raw. He wasn't afraid to dive into the pits of the societies just to reach one soul. Jesus was also a very patient, compassionate, honest, and loving man. He got dirty, but did so with a smile on His face and an immense love in His heart.
Jesus was raw.